KNOW Fear® Solutions For:

Teams & Management


The KNOW Fear® System helps companies and leaders learn how to reliably translate fear into heightened awareness, more powerful communication, better connection with peers and teams, and enhanced daily performance at the highest levels.

Fear is contagious
But so is courage.

Tony Blauer

KNOW Fear® Solutions For Corporations & Leaders:


Speaking & Seminars.

Great for organization-wide education or focused deep dives on how to better know and use fear on a daily basis to increase confidence, communication, connection and performance across the company.



Half-day, full-day or multi-day workshops tailored to fit your groups challenges. Workshops are intimate, hands-on and purposefully crafted to ensure participants leave with real skills and ready for action.

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Individual or small group coaching, in ad-hoc or programmed options. Get your top leaders and rising starts armed to not just face fear and challenges, but confident and ready to thrive under pressure.



Now more than ever is when companies, teams and leaders need to KNOW Fear®.

We are committed to serving companies like yours right now. We can completely tailor any KNOW Fear® solution to fit with your remote and online needs. We’re here to help.

Everyone who was hired to PERFORM will be throttled, positively or negatively, by their relationship with FEAR.


Whether in a pandemic or not, creative output from your people still goes through performance anxiety.

I’m shy about public speaking so I don’t volunteer.

I’m worried about job security so I won’t voice my opinion.

I don’t get along with my team so I steer clear of group work.

The KNOW Fear® System empowers people with greater self-awareness, so they can turn on critical thinking and make better decisions, faster.

Immediate Benefits For Companies & Leaders:


Stop The Chaos On The Spot.

Learn how to not ride the wave of the “Fear Spike”. Stay calm under pressure.

Kill Self-Doubt Before It Starts.

Learn how to quickly grab fear and translate it into energy and focus.

Strong, Clear Communication.

Learn the reliable steps to elevate from average to expert communicator.

Build Deep Connection.

Learn how to more deeply and reliably connect with your peers and teams.