About KNOW Fear® by Tony Blauer


The first and most important fight is winning the one inside your head.”

Tony Blauer

About Tony.

Since he began teaching in 1979, Tony Blauer has been a pioneer in self-defense & self-development circles. His search for overcoming fear in his own life led to the creation of the world's first behaviorally based personal defense system.

His research on physiology & fear, courage & mindset, has influenced over three decades of students and trainers from the self-defense, martial arts, combat sports, and military & law enforcement communities.

He has spent 40+ years studying danger, violence and fear and has put together a simple and effective system that will help you manage fear and confrontations whether they’re in your head, the street or the boardroom.

If managing fear, overcoming self-doubt, enhancing your performance under distress, amplifying your awareness and reactions to turn reactive into proactive, and learning how you, your team, your family or your organization can educate the voices in your heads is of interest to you, this system is for you.

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“I’ve spent decades designing and refining a system that is battle proven and is used by real warriors (military, law enforcement, emergency services) that will help anyone change how they relate to fear. And when you change that, you access a different level of personal power.

When you change your relationship with fear, you change your life.”

Tony Blauer

Learn how to face fear, understand it and control it. Learn to change your mindset, improve your communication, enhance your performance, and inspire your family, friends and peers. When you change how you look at fear you change everything.


KNOW Fear® is:

A simple system to identify fear and confront it before it consumes your mind.

How to rid yourself of doubt & hesitation.

The science of fear and how it impacts your ability to succeed.

How to change your mind to move your body.

Understanding and using the neural circuitry of fear.

Tangible steps to managing fear and making it work for you.

“Tony Blauer has developed a system that drives a methodology of thought that is profound.  While originally designed to weather the ‘physical assault’ on one’s senses in a self-defense or combat situation, I have now used the KNOW Fear system for the last 2 decades in a business environment and it has been one of the key pillars of my success to the tune of millions of dollars.”

Joe Mullings President & CEO, THE MULLINGS GROUP

KNOW Fear® Solutions By Audience:


Individuals, Families & the General Public.

From individuals struggling with fear and doubt in their life, to families learning to communicate and interact better, KNOW FEAR equips everyday people with the real skills they need to conquer their fear and thrive.

Self-Defense Trainers & Martial Artists.

Professional self-defense trainers and martial artists learn the specific aspects they need to not only enhance their own understanding and management of fear, but apply that knowledge into the classroom or the arena.

Emergency Services & First Responders.

First responders and emergency services professionals get the tangible expert training they need for managing the impact of fear on the front lines, from active shooter scenarios to confrontation management and more.

Organizations, Executive Teams & Managers.

From organization-wide programs to focused workshops and individual coaching, KNOW FEAR equips leaders and teams with the real skills they need for managing fear in the workplace and amplifying performance.


Tony is one of the world’s most prominent experts on fear management and is a regular keynote speaker and seminar leader.

Inquire about KNOW Fear speaking opportunities at your organization:


KNOW Fear Podcast.

Hear Coach Tony Blauer talk about real-life tips and tools for better knowing and managing fear in stressful situations.

Contact Us.

If you would like more information about KNOW Fear® solutions or about a tailored solution for you, your group or your business, please contact us.